Alexander Baev, PhD

Research Scientist, ILPB
Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics
432 Natural Science Complex
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14214
(716) 645-4150

Research Areas

I work in the combined field of theoretical and computational physics and chemistry, consolidating my experience in analytical derivations and high end computing.

My basic research interests include but not limited by:

  • Modelling and design of (negative index) meta-materials for various civilian and military applications including optical power limiting and nanoscale optical trapping.
  • Modelling and design of nanoscale plasmonic materials for bio-sensing and bio-detection.
  • Spectroscopy, including nonlinear, related /ab initio/ computations of electronic structure of various molecular systems including semi-conductor quantum dots.
  • Computational nonlinear optics.

For a detailed presentation about my research, click here